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Do It Again - A Cry for Revival
(536 pages)ONLY $25
Do It Again is an expression that calls for the reoccurring of something that took place in the past. It can also be motivated by the desire to experience something that we read or heard about.
There has been documentation of mighty moves of God that took place throughout history. When a person becomes aware of what happened and sees the condition of our world and the church in some places, there is a stirring of dissatisfaction and a stirring of hunger in the heart, and that person wants to see God do it again.
God has sent powerful outpourings of revival throughout church history, but not many are aware of the extent of His mighty work. In Do It Again, Dr. Guy Peh walks us through God’s arcade of many revivals, century by century, to show us that the Holy Spirit can suddenly ignite at any moment, everywhere. You will read details, historically documented facts, and personal accounts of many major moves of God from different corners of the globe. For revival fans or historians, this book is a well of treasures. For those who think God “doesn’t do that,” this book is a must read.
This book was written to touch the hearts of readers and to challenge them to revival. The topics include: the power of divine encounters, snapshots of God’s glory, looking through the lens of history to mighty revivals, a cry for revival, revival mechanisms, God’s branding, revival and reformation, revival influencers, and much more.
The cry of the heart of people who want to see another mighty revival is, “Do it again.” If He did it before, He can do it again. Anything that God has ever done, He can do it again. Anything that God has ever done anywhere, He can do it right here. Anything that God has ever done for anyone, He can do it for you. The problem might be different, the situation may have changed, but He is the same God back then and right now.
This book will stir up the reader and the believers to position themselves to have encounters with God and to draw from their and other people’s encounters with God in past revivals. Get ready to experience a move of God in your life, your church, your city, and your nation.
Marriage Rocks - Home Improvement
(587 pages)
ONLY $25
Most people enter into marriage with high expectations and low preparation, which can lead to devastation. Only to be disappointed, frustrated, and becoming unhappy with their marriage, and sometimes sadly they decide to break their marriage.
Marriage can be one of the greatest paradoxes of life: Marriage can be the greatest attraction or the greatest distraction. Marriage can enhance your destiny or destroy your destiny. Marriage can be the most beautiful thing or the most dangerous thing in life. Marriage can be the greatest source of joy and can also be the greatest source of frustration. Marriage can be the most precious dream, but it can also become a nightmare overnight. Marriage can be the greatest source of hope, but marriage can also be the greatest source of fear because the people in the relationship are not sure that they can make it. Don’t take marriage lightly.
Marriage can be the closest thing to hell or the closest thing to heaven. If you want your spouse to be an angel, you need to create a heaven for them; angels don't live in hell, but demons do.
Marriage does not start at the wedding and continue, to go on forever all by itself. Marriage needs to be worked on day-by-day! And it will be only as good as the investment you put in to it.
The best time to build a dam is not when there is a flood. The best time is now. Your best time to work on your marriage is NOW.
Marriage rocks when you are best friends, when affection and sex are well balanced, when God is your priority, when you can have dialogue, when romance is present, when you know how to have fun, when you have a wise financial strategy, when there’s forgiveness and you can make up.
Everybody knows that their house needs regular maintenance to keep things in good repair.
In this relevant and practical book, Guy & Ilke compare marriage to remodeling and maintaining a house. They compare the different aspects of home improvement with marriage, and they also make a parallel between areas of the house and marriage.
When it comes to remodeling a house, there are things we need to remember:
It takes longer than you planned.
It costs more than you figured.
It is messier than you anticipated.
It requires greater determination and more patience than you expected.
Remodeling can be chaotic, cluttered, dusty, noisy, costly, and stressful. This is true of your home life and family as well.
In this dynamic book ‘Marriage Rocks – Home Improvement,’ Guy and Ilke share dynamic teaching, principles, and practical tools on marriage that will help married couples, singles, and families develop a strong marriage, a strong family, and become better spouses and parents. Some of the subjects include sex, the differences between men and women, communication, romance, finances, children, divorce, conflict resolution, and the list goes on. They share a relevant message that will help anybody today.
Study Guide: Marriage Rocks - Home Improvement
(292 pages)
ONLY $15
Most people enter into marriage with high expectations and low preparation, which can lead to devastation. Only to be disappointed, frustrated, and becoming unhappy with their marriage, and sometimes sadly they decide to break their marriage.
Marriage can be the closest thing to hell or the closest thing to heaven. If you want your spouse to be an angel, you need to create a heaven for them; angels don't live in hell, but demons do.
Marriage does not start at the wedding and continue to go on forever all by itself. Marriage needs to be worked on day-by-day! And it will be only as good as the investment you put into it.
In the book ‘Marriage Rocks – Home Improvement,’ Guy & Ilke compare marriage to remodeling and maintaining a house. They compare the different aspects of home improvement with marriage, and they also make a parallel between areas of the house and marriage.
Guy and Ilke share dynamic teaching, principles, and practical tools on marriage that will help married couples, singles, and families develop a strong marriage, a strong family, and become better spouses and parents. Some of the subjects include sex, the differences between men and women, communication, romance, finances, children, divorce, conflict resolution, and the list goes on. They share a relevant message that will help anybody today.
This is the Study Book for Marriage Rocks – Home Improvement.
This study guide includes:
- Reflective Questions for Spouses
- Discussion Questions for Group Study
- Conversation Starters
- Jokes on Marriage
Transition - Triumph or Tragedy
Learn How to Strategically Maneuver the Gap Between Your Current Life Stage and Your Future Destiny
(425 pages)
ONLY $20
Life is a sequential succession of transitions. Marriage, having children, divorce, the loss of a loved one, going to college, graduating, getting a (new) job, retirement, and moving to a new city or country are transitions that many people will have to deal with.
Many of us will go through transition, whether we like it or not. What matters is when that moment arrives, announced or not, we must be prepared to negotiate the transition because depending on how it is approached, prepared and managed it could be a triumph or a tragedy.
Most people do not resist change. What they resist is transition. Change is a shift in a situation. Transition, on the other hand, is the process of letting go of the way things used to be, and then taking hold of the way they subsequently become. In between the letting go and the taking hold again, there is a “neutral zone” when things aren’t the old way but aren’t really a new way yet either.
We need to know when one stage comes to an end. If we insist on staying longer than the necessary time, we can lose the happiness and the meaning of the other stages we have to go through. Closing cycles, shutting doors, ending chapters - whatever name we give it, what matters is to leave in the past the moments of life that have finished.
Join Guy Peh as he guides you on an exploration of how the Bible teaches us to handle transitions in our lives and on how to navigate and travel through the gap between where you are now and your future destiny.
The last two chapters include practical advice and wisdom for transitions such as marriage, having children, empty nest syndrome, divorce, widowhood, moving to a new country or city, going to college, being a graduate, in between jobs, a new career, and succession planning.
Guy has also included questions that will assist you in reflecting on and applying these insights to your life!
Breakthrough Prayer
Unlocking the Miraculous and Breakthrough through Prayer
(345 pages)
ONLY $20
Are you a worrier or warrior? A worrier is one who constantly experiences fear or anxiety. A warrior, however, is one experienced in warfare and knows how to overcome, regardless of the situation. They know that the key to fighting the good fight of faith is to stay in faith and prayer. In this new exciting book Dr. Guy Peh provides practical training that will help you connect with God’s heart and receive answers to your prayers.
Learn how: - To receive your breakthrough from the place of prayer. - To unlock the miraculous through faith and prayer. - Effectual, fervent prayer is a literal game-changer for real-life situations we face. - What is the connection between how you live and how you pray. - To change the spiritual atmosphere. - To contend for revival. - How to operate in prophetic decree and spiritual legislation. - To be effective in you prayer time by using the over 90 prayer and prophetic declarations. - To lead a prayer meeting.
You can discover the way God has made us to partner with Him for the fulfillment of His purposes on the earth… with supernatural results!
You Too Can Be Used By God!
Released In The Supernatural
(357 pages)ONLY $20
We didn't become Christians in order to just sit on the bench or be a cheerleader, God wants every one of us in the game.
How often, today, people feel inadequate when it comes to ministry for different reasons: inferiority, fear, intimidation, religion, culture, past failures,… Most people think that you have to be special to be used by God, but the scripture is very clear when it says, “I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh.” “All” means, all. You are part of that all. If you have flesh, you are a target of the outpouring of God’s Spirit, you are a target for revival. You are the Elijah generation! You have been released in the supernatural. You too can be used by God as a forerunner of Christ for your generation! You are special. You are God’s masterpiece.
The promises of God in your life are not connected to your history, but they are connected to your destiny. If you wait until every hindrance is removed before serving the Lord, you will never attempt anything for Him. Sometimes the only thing that will stop you from fulfilling God’s call is you. You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith. God doesn’t ask you to be the best, just to do your best.
In this new exciting book Dr. Guy Peh is providing practical training for anybody who has a desire to be used by God. This spiritual training can help you display the championship quality of God in every area of your life. Learn how to use your authority, pray for the sick, flow in the gifts of the Spirit, raise the dead, cast out demons, change your thinking and work with the leadership of the church in the Kingdom of God.
Keys To Receiving Your Miracles
(192 pages)ONLY $15
There was never a day of miracles, only a God of miracles.
A man with a genuine experience with God is never at the mercy of a man with an argument against God.
You will always know what God will do tomorrow because of what He has already done. Let's not put God in a box. They tried that one time at Calvary, but it only lasted for three days.
God wants you to enjoy miracles living. His plan for you is to dominate sickness, evil spirits and destruction just as Jesus did. What Jesus started you can continue. In this book Dr. Guy gives you practical keys that will unlock your understanding about the miracle realm and how to receive your miracle.