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News Update USA - March 2016

Dear Friends:

Happy Easter and greetings from Europe.

Every dawn begins a new day and this week we celebrate a dawn that brought a brand new victory.

Matthew 28 : 1, 5-6 NLT

Early on Sunday morning, as the new day was dawning. Then the angel spoke to the women. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.  He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen”.

Good and evil had engaged in a critical conflict on the cross:

God wanted people saved, but the enemy wanted people lost. God wanted people alive, but the enemy wanted people dead. God wanted people happy but the enemy wanted people sad and unhappy. God wanted people to be triumphant but the enemy wanted people to be defeated and terrified.

The conflict was inevitable and on that fear filled day of the crucifixion, the enemy had apparently won.

On the somber still, silent next day after the crucifixion, the enemy had apparently won. But when the dawn broke on Resurrection Day, it became apparent that although the enemy had won some battles Jesus had won the war.

When the dawn broke the greatest enemy of humankind was defeated.

Death, hell and the grave were now just notches on the gun belt of Jesus. They were now defeated. 

When the dawn broke, it admitted that the wicked could now cease from troubling and that the weary will surely one day be at rest. When the dawn broke, it meant that trouble may come but trouble won’t last always last.

And that is why we celebrate this week. It underscores more than just the reality that there is life after death; it reminds us that there could be life after birth. When Jesus came, He indicated that we could never fully understand how to live in the hereafter, if we don’t first learn how to live in the here and now.

Jesus not only showed us how to die, He also showed us how to live.

His example reminds us that eternity does not stop after death, eternity begins the moment we receive His gift of life.

Jesus came to give life, meaning purpose and hope. He offered a life that lights dark places, ads strength to weakness, healing to sickness, deliverance to the captives and hope for depression and desperation.

Excerpt from our upcoming book ‘Transition’.

Update Mission USA

It’s been a while since we have sent you a ministry update. The last few months we have been very busy traveling around the USA. This year is a crucial year for the USA as we are going through an election season. Please keep our country in your prayers. In every city we traveled we encouraged people to register, to vote and to let their voice be heard.

We are starting a 2 month tour in Europe this week. Some of the nations where we will minister are Germany, Latvia, Belgium, The Netherlands, England, Italy and others.

We have had some amazing times of glory, signs, wonders and miracles. People saved, healed, encouraged, challenged and changed by the power of God. We are so thankful to play a little part in what God is doing.

Below are some pictures of some of the meetings and video links of some powerful testimonies. Enjoy and let your faith be stirred to believe God for more. Nothing is impossible for those who believe.

Signs and Wonders Conference in Roseville, California

Click here to watch this powerful testimony of healing of autism in Roseville, California. 

Click here to watch this testimony of healing of sugar diabetes in Roseville, California. 

Click here to watch testimonies of healing in Roseville, California. 

Miracle service in San Francisco, California. Blind boy was healed.

Click here to watch testimonies of healing in San Francisco.

Women Conference with Ilke in Roseville, California

S.H.I.N.E. Share His Incredible News Everywhere

Marketplace training, prayer seminar and miracle service in Stockton, California

Click here to watch testimonies of healing in Stockton, California.

Prayer Clinic and Miracle services in Millersburg, Ohio

Click here to watch testimonies of healing in Millersburg, Ohio. 

Miracle service at Cathedral of Life in Canton, Ohio

Click here to watch this powerful testimony of a broken pelvis healed and released from all pain after a severe fall from 3 stories. 

Click here to watch these powerful testimonies from Canton, Ohio.

Women Conference and Miracle Services in Norwalk, Connecticut

Miracle Services at Christian Worship Center in Fort Worth, Texas

Click here to watch these powerful testimonies from Fort Worth, Texas.

Miracle Service at Legacy Church in New Philadelphia, Ohio

Click here to watch a powerful testimony of healing of fibromyalgia in New Philadelphia, Ohio. 

We enjoyed our time with so many pastor friends from the USA. Here are a few of our dear friends. 

Healed of Rheumatism in Las Vegas

A few years ago Ilke hugged this lady in one of our services in Las Vegas and she got instantly healed from rheumatism. She came and shared her testimony while we were in Las Vegas. God is awesome. Jesus is the healer.

‘Overthrow Conference’ in Ardmore, Pennsylvania

Miracle Service at Church in the City – Dallas, Texas

Click here to watch testimonies of healing in Dallas, Texas.

Camp meeting in West Columbia, Texas

Click here to watch testimonies of healing in West Columbia, Texas.

Part 1 

Part 2

Thanks for your partnership and prayers. Together we can do more.

Love and blessings,

Guy & Ilke