We invite you to become a "Friend of the Nations" by partnering with us today. You are an intricate part of God's plan to reach the nations. There is great power in partnership!



Purpose of Partnership

A partnership is formed when 2 people join their faith, prayer and finances together to accomplish what one person can’t do alone. The believers at Philippi understood the power of partnership. Paul said “because you gave, and gave again, I have all and abound...my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Paul was not talking to just any believer, but to his partners in the work of the ministry!

As Ilke and I travel around the world bringing the Word of God, you are there with us. Together we can reach the world with the love of Jesus with a message of power, signs and wonders through church services, leadership conferences, mission trips, miracle crusades, training seminars and social outreaches.

Testimony of a partner of Reconciliation Ministries International:


Benefits of Partnership

  • Monthly e-letter – Every month we will send you a report of what the Lord is doing through our ministry in different nations of the world. You will be able to see the fruits of your partnership at work.
  • Prayer for you and your family – Paul said to the Philippian church, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy.” Paul prayed for his partners. Ilke and I and our intercessors around the world are committed to pray regularly for our partners to always be triumphant in every area of life. 2 Corinthians 2 : 14 You can send us your prayer requests online any time. 

Ways to Partner

  • One-Time Donation By credit card - Click on the button below.
  • Monthly Donation by credit card - Click the button below.   
    Donation Amount
  • By check - make your check payable to RMI (Reconciliation Ministries International) and mail it to RMI, P.O. BOX 763038, Dallas TX 75376
  • By  electric wire transfer -  

    USA office:

    Account Name: R M I  INC. (Incoming Wire Account)

    Account #: 488019058225

    (Domestic) ABA/RT#: 111000025

    (International) RT#: 026009593

    (International in USA$) Swift Code: BOFAUS3N

    (International in foreign currency) Swift Code: BOFAUS6S                                                         

    Bank: Bank of America                                                                                                                 

    Address Bank: Desoto, TX 75115 - USA

    Europe office:

    Account Name: Reconciliation Ministries International                                                                        Address: Bosstraat 31 - 8790 Waregem - Belgium   
    Account #: 973005069797                                                                                                                     IBAN #: BE54 973005069797
    Swift Code - BIC: ARSPBE22
    Bank: Argenta Bank
    Address Bank: 8790 Waregem - Belgium

  • Monthly partner – For your offering of $ 25 or more each month, you will receive all the benefits of partnership.
  • One-time gifts of any amount to share in the outreaches of Reconciliation Ministries International: miracle crusades, leadership conferences, mission trips, Bridge of Hope,...
  • Bridge of Hope – With your financial contribution, Bridge of Hope, an outreach of Reconciliation Ministries International, is dedicated to build a bridge that will give an opportunity to disadvantaged people around the world to have a better life by providing food, support for orphanages, assistance in disasters, to dig water wells (1 water well costs $ 1 700, it gives clean water to a village of 800 people), to help pastors and ministers in need. As missionaries to the nations, we need to have more than just the language of words. We also need the language of actions. Matthew 25 : 35 – 36 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble. James 1 : 27


We ask no matter what you are able to commit to financially; you commit to pray for us as we pray for you! We would love to have you send in your prayer requests as well as your pictures.

For more information email us at guyandilke@guypeh.com or call (1) 214–808-7218.