See below for incredible stories of God's power at work and the glory of Jesus Christ being displayed as Dr. Guy and Ilke Peh travel across the nations to win souls and equip the saints.  Visit the Testimonies Archive for past testimonies you may have missed.


Eye Sight healed in West Indies

Eyesight Healed

My name is Eva. At the age of ten I became blind in my right eye and could not see. I wore glasses from that age up till now (17). The doctor told me that the nerves in the back of my right eye was completely damaged. I went to Pastor Guy's miracle meeting here in Grenada. When Pastor Guy began to pray for the sick, he said that "there is some one in here that could not see come in front." I came; when he touched my eye; I felt my eye got light and I began to see.


Healed of Hypoglycemia

Healed of Hypoglycemia

This is David Handyside, the Zimbabwean from Life Community Church. I wanted to praise the Lord for the healing I received last Sunday when you were praying for healing. I have had hypoglycemia for about 8 years and had severe reaction to eating anything with a large amount of sugar or of carbohydrate foods that broke down into sugars to quickly. I would lose my sight, have severe head aches, lose the feeling in my hands, feel as if I was in a tunnel and struggle to speak clearly. As you walked into the service for no apparent reason (as I had eaten carefully that night and morning) I started to have several of these symptoms and had to get something to eat to try and balance my blood sugar. This usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour and then some of the symptoms take longer to go. As you played the video on Ethiopia all the symptoms except my headache went. I know I would not have stood for prayer if I had not had a reaction! When you asked for those who wanted prayer I stood up. I was also praying for my mother's healing (she's in Zim) but then I committed my sickness to God and I really felt His warmth surround me. At the end of your prayer you said to go and do in faith what you couldn't do before. It terrified me! The whole day I wrestled with that and eventually I told my wife (who had also been praying and believing for me) and we prayed and that night we went to friend and I ate cake and icecream for the first time in many years. No reaction. The next morning I had honey on my toast, then a huge slice of cheese cake, pop, cookies, milkshake - not even a headache. I am eating the good stuff! I know I am healed and I wanted to praise the Lord Jesus for his healing and also to ask Him to bless you for you obedience. It has allowed me to speak to people about the Lord that I couldn't easily have done so before. Praise God!

God bless you my friend,

The dead shall rise !!! .....


Return to life miraculous

Sharon Lee recovers after 40-minute death

Healing miracles are claimed in many religious faiths, but bringing someone back from death is a very rare occurrence.

The biblical account of Jesus' restoring Lazarus to life is one of the few known instances.

But both medical professionals and members of some local churches report that happened in the case of local Pentecostal Holiness minister Sharon Lee, 51, who was declared dead for 40 minutes on Nov. 6, 1999 before she was revived.

Making the incident more remarkable was that doctors felt she had no chance of without serious brain damage, which is normally considered irreparable after 20 minutes of loss of brain function. However, Lee returned to life with no apparent brain damage.

She credits the healing gifts of her fellow evangelist, Dr. Guy Peh, who is  from   Dallas, Texas. He had earlier conducted revival services in Lee's church. In late October he called Lee and told her he felt a definite need to be at her church in early November.

Dr. Peh normally appears at larger churches, and Lee told him her small congregation, His Hand Extended Pentecostal Holiness, didn't have the finances to pay for his visit. However, he said that didn't matter and came anyway to lead a five-day revival here, starting Nov. 1.

On the morning of Nov. 6, Lee was getting ready to go to work from her home near Fay as was about to drive there when she said she felt a command from God to "Stop." She pulled in at her sister Janet Kautz's nearby home.

"I didn't feel any pain," Lee said. "I just had a strange feeling that something very unusual was going to happen - it was just like my spirit was drifting away."

She asked her sister to drive her to the hospital emergency room and to call Dr. Peh and some of her church members to pray. On the way to the hospital, she called her husband, Larry, to meet her there. She doesn't remember arriving at the hospital.

Dr. Mohammed "Ash" Ashfaq was on call at the emergency room. Dr. Ashfaq said Lee was sweating and died suddenly. The doctor and nurses worked over Lee, giving her 20 shock treatments and oxygen. After 10 or 15 minutes of no response, Dr. Ashfaq wanted to discontinue resuscitation attempts because doctors know that irreversible brain damage sets in at that point.

However, Kautz frantically insisted that efforts continue to save her sister because her church friends where there praying by then. Vociferously leading the prayer was Dr. Peh, and when he was told of a certainty of brain damage, he placed his hands on Lee's head and prayed for her mind to be restored.

Lee was considered to have been dead for some 40 minutes before her heart miraculously resumed functioning along with the rest of her body. A close friend of Lee's, Lucille Antonelli, said, "The power of the Almighty God struck Sharon with life !"

At that point, however, Dr. Ashfaq warned the family that she would be brain-dead and had no medical hopes of living a normal life.

Though Lee wasn't aware of anything else at the hospital, she recalls hearing Guy Peh "praying over her." Lee, who has felt called to a healing ministry herself, said of Missionary Evangelist Peh, "I definitely know he has special gifts of healing, but the hospital was full of people praying for me, including Mother Panay Gillum and her Christ Gospel Church members and Rev. Lafayette Randle. Missionary Evangelist Peh is real BOLD. He was praying very loudly, and I think the people at the hospital didn't quite know what to think.

Speaking of the unusual circumstances of Missionary Evangelist Guy's premonition that he especially needed to be here, Lee said, "It was just like it was a play all laid out.

Larry Lee said, "I know it was a miracle. I was right there and watched her die."

The Lees and other believe that God sent Missionary Evangelist Peh to their church at that precise time to save her. Antonelli said, "Missionary Evangelist Peh was truly a vessel used by God who did not give up, along with her family and friends, who were grounded in their faith of 'prayer changes things'."

Missionary Evangelist Peh told the Weatherford reporter that he had had another experience of seeing the dead returned to life not long before Sharon Lee's case here. He said he was in Bozeman, Montana, to speak about racism at Montana State University and visited a church during his stay. During the service, a man suffered a heart attack and was carried outside. Two nurses present found no pulse.

Missionary Evangelist Peh said they prayed, and that the man's heart started again and he began to gasp for breath and then was revived with CPR. He said it was God who brought that man and Sharon Lee back to life.

Another doctor tried to discourage Dr. Ashfaq from transferring Lee to Oklahoma City after she had been clinically dead for 40 minutes, but she was sent to the intensive care unit at University Hospital and it was there that she regained consciousness, with absolutely no evident mental impairment.

An article about the occurrences appeared in the SWOSU student newspaper, and Dr. Ashfaq told the editor, Amanda Madden, that he had never thought it would be possible to revive Lee or that she would be herself again.

The Watonga Republican
Wednesday, January 19, 2000


Back To Life - Doctor's Report

Bozeman, Montana

On Sunday, September 5th, 1999, during worship service the gentleman in front of me became pale and appeared to be ill. Even though he complained of weakness, air hunger and the need to sit down, he remained in the service for about 45 minutes, at which time he became unresponsive and had to be carried out of the sanctuary.

The emergency response number was called and he was laid out flat on the floor in the foyer near the closest double door entrance for easier facilitation of Emergency Medical personnel and gurney. Open line communication with Bozeman Deaconess Hospital maintained by Peggy Gazy. RN (myself) and EMT (Charlene Finley) in ready position for possible/probable CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Wife reported husband's status might be due to negative reaction to new medication he took for first time prior to church service.

Skin color was gray, clammy; cool, lips mildly cyanotic (blue), muscles flaccid, radial pulse (in the wrist) weak, left carotid (neck) pulse present but irregular and slowing. Brief periods of unresponsiveness noted at which time he did not respond to painful stimulus or his wife's voice. Continued bradyarrhythmia (irregular heart rate) with bradycardia (slower heart rate than normally expected) at 56-60 bpm (beats per minute). Monitored for approximately 5-6 min in present condition when suddenly no pulse was detected for full 15 seconds and RN and EMT at scene prepared to administer CPR. At the same time a visiting evangelist from another country stretched his hand over the gentleman's body and said 'In the name of Jesus rise up.' Cyanosis previously noted disappeared; skin color pale, no longer gray; carotid pulse present, strong. Eyes open, responded to name, verbalized 'I'm okay.' Stated he was aware of everything going on around him the whole time. Continued to monitor for approximately 3 minutes until ambulance arrived at scene, at which time verbal report was given and care turned over to primary EMT.

Cardiac monitor placed by ambulance crew showed NSR (normal sinus rhythm or normal heart beat). O2 (oxygen) was placed per NC (nasal cannula or via the nose) for comfort and to facilitate breathing. EMT stated he was going to start an IV (intravenous fluids), transfer the gentleman to the gurney and transport him to the local hospital. At that time, I returned to the sanctuary.

The gentleman's relatives later reported he was found to be without any residual side effects from his ordeal and was released from the hospital later that afternoon. He was sighted shortly after his hospital release at a local restaurant enjoying lunch.

Respectfully submitted,
Kimmer Penniman, RN


Testimonies from Word of Faith

Port Elizabeth, South Africa

During the last campaign of Guy Peh visit to Word of Faith Christian Centre, Port Elizabeth, South Africa (August 2003) the following amazing healings took place amongst many others:

Edwin Bartlett was miraculously healed of a neck injury. I looked at his wife who in tears came to tell the congregation of the miracle that took place when Edwin handed his pain and discomfort over to Jesus.

Edwin was injured in a motor vehicle accident in 1991, broke vertebrae 2c,4 & 5 with wires in his neck. When Guy prayed and said that the people with injuries must raise their hands and hand all over to God ... Edwin raised his hands and sort of said that he hands all over to Christ. When the prayer was finished he did not feel any better but people were shouting and crying around him and he turned to his left to look at them when he realised that he was never before able to turn his neck to the left ... he then turned to the right and found the same thing! He suddenly had a supple movability that he never had before!

I phoned him today to check on his and found a very healed and blessed man. Edwin can be contacted to confirm his healing +27(041)3981 345.

Jan Swanevelder is a walking miracle! Bessie, his wife who is a consultant for Radio Pulpit told me previously of the virus Jan picked up and that his condition was very bad ... I saw Jan the first time the morning Guy arrived in PE (August 2003) He looked dreadful, could not walk and was on oxygen, he had to be back in the hospital within an hour because of his low resistance to germs etc. Jan looked bad, Bessie and our students helped Jan to sit in the back of the Bible College hall. Guy prayed with Jan and when Jan got in the car he started vomiting. This continued for a few days and slowly but surely Jan's healing took place. I saw Jan the other day and could not believe my eyes ...! He testified that God healed him from that morning and that he is back at work and never felt better! Jan can be contacted on: +27(082)429 7649

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