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Newsupdate December: Europe Tour

Dear friends

“When you say a person or a situation is hopeless, it is like slamming the door in the face of God.” C. L. Allen 

C. H. Spurgeon wrote that, “If we cannot believe God when circumstances seem to be against us, we do not believe Him at all.”  Because it is really not anything to claim strength when there is no challenge to put it to test.  The Scripture says: ‘If you faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.’  Proverbs 24 : 10

We don’t know what you are facing or going through in this season in your life.  We want you to be encouraged to hope against all hope.  The Bible says that Abraham hoped against all hope.  The will of God in every case that appears hopeless is that we should have hope.  Every hopeless situation carries a promise from the Father.  To Abraham it was to become the father of many nations but to you it’s maybe a breakthrough, a healing, a deliverance, salvation of a loved one, provision,…  Whatever you need today, know that God has a promise for your situation!

Consider the following people who chose to rise above hopelessness:

~ Winston Churchill, failed sixth grade.  He was subsequently defeated in every election for public office until he became Prime Minister at the age of 62.  He later wrote, "Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.  Never, Never, Never, Never give up."

~ Thomas Edison, who invented the light bulb, was told by his teachers that he was "too stupid to learn anything."  He was fired from his first two jobs for being "non-productive".  As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb.  When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?"  Edison replied, "I didn't fail 1,000 times.  The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."

Proverbs 13 : 12 (ESV)

Hope deferred make the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.

Expect God to do a miracle!  Never give up!

We just finished an incredible time of ministry in Europe.

We saw the power of God touch the lives of many people through church services, training seminars, women’s meetings, conferences and revival services.  We are sensing a shift in the spirit and an increase of God’s power in our ministry.  We were blessed to see hundreds of people in Finland come to meetings even though it was  –  15 degrees.   We are excited about new things that God is doing in this region.

We are blessed to be home and to enjoy some time off.

God has been so faithful this year; we can truly say that 2010 was one the best years of our ministry.  We give all the praise and glory to Him.  We want to thank all our partners and intercessors from around the world.  As we close this decade, and enter in a new one, we are expecting to move from faith to faith and from glory to glory.

Never give up!

Love and blessings,

Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh

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