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Newsupdate Mission USA

Dear Friends

Greetings from Hong Kong!

Sometimes people are afraid to step out and allow God to use them in the supernatural and the miraculous, because they have questions. I believe that everyone who wants to be used by God - directly or indirectly - needs to answer these 3 questions: Can I trust God? Can God trust me? Can I trust myself?

The first question we need to answer is: Can I trust God?

Another way of asking this question can be, "Can I have faith in God?" I define faith as, "Man's ability to believe and trust in the ability of God." The answer to this question is, "YES, you can trust God!" God has a good track-record that demonstrates that He is trustworthy. His record reveals who He is, and what He is able to do. The Bible is full of accounts of people in desperate situations that trusted in God's ability. As a result, they experienced the supernatural power of God in their lives. I am referring to people like David, Daniel in the lion's den, or the three Hebrew children who said, "Oh king, our God is able to deliver us," before they were thrown into the fiery furnace. The fire did not burn them. The lions didn't eat Daniel. Goliath didn't defeat David. David had a history with God. Through God's power, David was able to defeat a lion and a bear. This became a platform of confidence that helped him believe that God would give him the victory over the giant. King Saul thought Goliath was too big to fight. David thought he was too big to miss. Some people are afraid to trust in God because trusting God sometimes requires a willingness to take a risk. Faith and trust in God involves the concept of risk and reward. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. ~ Hebrews 11 : 6 Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. You may say, "I don't have enough experience to obey God," but I will say to you: Obedience to God will bypass experience. Start where you are. He will guide and order your steps. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. ~ Proverbs 3 : 5 - 6 Sometimes people do not trust God because of fear. Do not allow the devil to rob your destiny through fear. Fear produces death, disease, and torment. Faith produces life, health, and peace. You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.

The next question that people should answer is: Can God trust me?

Another way of asking this question can be, "Can God have faith in me?" God does not want to crush us, He wants to make us whole. You can rest assured that God can trust you, because He loves you unconditionally. Love equals trust. You can never do anything to earn more of God's love. God will never love you more than He loves you now. He demonstrated His unconditional love for you and for me when He sent His Son to die on the cross. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ~ Romans 5 : 8 God sacrificed His most precious possession just for you. If you were the only person in this world, He would still have sent His only Son for you. To me, there is no greater demonstration of trust and love. The answer is that with the sacrifice of His only begotten Son, God trusted you with His anointing, His power, His miracles, and everything good. God meant for every part of our being to be used to its greatest potential. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. ~ James 1 : 17 God doesn't ask you to be the best, just to do your best.

The last question we need to answer is: Can I trust myself?

Another way of asking this question can be, "Can I have faith in my own faith?" Sometimes the only thing that will stop you from fulfilling God's call is YOU. Many times people have faith in the preacher's faith. They have faith in other people's faith. But they do not have faith in their own faith. How often, today, people feel inadequate when it comes to ministry for different reasons: inferiority, fear, intimidation, religion, culture, past failures. Most people think that you have to be special to be used by God, but the scripture is very clear when it says, "I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh." "All" means, all. You are part of that all. You are special. If you wait until every hindrance is removed before serving the Lord, you will never attempt anything for Him. Sometimes people cannot have faith in their own faith because of past mistakes and failures. They have not been able to forgive themselves. We all mess up sometimes. So why is learning to forgive yourself a lot harder than forgiving others? Just think about the apostle Paul; he was a murderer and a persecutor of believers before he got saved. He had to forgive himself, and obey the call of God. Love yourself, accept yourself, forgive yourself, and be good to yourself, because without you, the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things. Don't look to the past, but look to the future.

Excerpt from my book: You too can be used by God       

Picture 1: Altar call at Cathedral of Life - Canton, OH

Picture 2: Ilke speaking at Cornerstone Church in Alabama

Picture 3: Miracle Moment in Sacramento, CA - Hearing restored!

Picture 4: Gateway Fellowship - Millersburg, OH

The last 3 months we spent time preaching around the USA. This time of the year is what we call 'Mission USA', a special emphasis of ministry in America. We ministered in 16 cities in 6 states: Katy, TX - Vidor, TX - Silsbee, TX - Sacramento, CA - Willows, CA - San Francisco, CA -Pittsburgh, CA - Raleigh, NC - Decatur, AL - Moulton, AL - Millersburg, OH - Dover, OH - Canton, OH - La Fayette, LA - Dallas, TX. We saw God do amazing things; in many of the services there were outbreaks of miracles; the preaching and teaching was often interrupted by a spontaneous move of the Holy Spirit where incredible things happened; amazing stirring of the prophetic and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Many pastors and church leaders were encouraged. We have documented many miracles. Many gave their life to Christ and many rededicated their lives to Christ. Many believers were refreshed and encouraged.

Here are some testimonies:
Doloris, healed of diabetes
Rebecca, healed of fibromyalgia after a lot of suffering for 20 years
Cheyenne, healed of hip and knee pain, she had a lot of pain for 4 years
Chrissy, healed of insomnia
Annette, healed of lower back pain
Annie, sinus congestion healed
Susan, healed of shoulder problem
Rhonda, delivered of depression
Marsha, healed of lupus
Doug, healed of back injury
Woman healed of deafness, she was able to hear for the first time in 1 of her ears since she was born (50 years old),
Woman healed of cancer
and there were many others that were healed.

We thank God for what He did and give Him all the glory!

We thank God for all our partners and intercessors.

We are currently in Hong Kong. Please keep us in your prayers. Revival in China and Hong Kong!

Remain blessed in Him!

Love and blessings,
Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh


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