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News Update: Ghana – England – Germany – Belgium and USA

Dear Friends,

Greetings from New York.

We just completed our two and a half month ministry tour of 12 countries in Asia, Africa and Europe.  We had a fabulous time.  God did mighty things.  Many souls were saved and many were healed.  Believers, pastors and church leaders were encouraged and ministered to.

Since we wrote you last, we ministered in Ghana (Africa), Germany, Belgium and London and Bristol, England.

We had a great time in Ghana, Africa but we had a rocky start. Upon our arrival in Ghana, before the immigration they asked us our yellow fever certificate and, they wouldn't let us enter the country without it. The agent asking for the certificates, gave us the option to bribe him, but we refused. We had to go all the way back to the health department to get a shot and a certificate because they told us there was a yellow fever outbreak. There were hundreds of people in a small hall where we were supposed to get the shot. It was very overwhelming. When we paid and got the certificate they told us we could go, without them even giving us the shot. We asked them: what about the shot?  And they were surprised we wanted the shot. After a long wait they gave us a shot. When we got to the baggage claim, we could not find our luggage for over 1 hour; we found it on the carrousel of another flight.  After that we drove 4 hours to Takoradi and got to our hotel at 3 am.  We had to be ready at 9 am for our first meeting that same morning.  Lots of adventure!  Praise God, we are always triumphant!

yellow fever outbreak. When we paid and got the certificate, they told us we could go, without them even giving us the shot. We asked them: what about the shot. And they were surprised we wanted the shot. When we got to the baggage claim, we could not find our luggage for over 1 hour, we found it on the carrousel of an other flight. :-) After that we drove 4 hours to Takorandi and got to our hotel at 3 am. Excited for what God is going to do this weekend in Ghana.

In Ghana we ministered to pastors and church leaders as well as having a miracle service.  There was a great demonstration of God’s power.

After Ghana we went to Europe where we ministered in the United Kingdom.  We started in London, where we taught on the supernatural and trained people on how to operate in the word of knowledge at Excel Bible School.  The meeting was also open to the public.  It was amazing to see many people being used in the gifts of the Spirit after the training and see the many miracles that God did after prayer. Many were healed that night.  We were so blessed.

On Saturday morning we felt so blessed and privileged to be able to speak to 100 Brazilian pastors in London at the Evangelical Alliance.  We were told that it was very rare to get all the Brazilian pastors from London together.  The head of the Evangelical Alliance told me that this meeting was the beginning of something great for the organization in the region.  The meeting was so powerful and the church building was fully packed.  Many pastors were listening and weeping as I taught on ‘Kingdom Leadership’.  Many of them were so grateful.

From London we went to Bristol where we had 3 powerful services at Carmel Christian Centre.  We were blessed to speak there for the first time.  There’s a great group of people that are very hungry for God.  We enjoyed spending time with Pastors Gerri and Michelle.  We look forward to a great time together again in March 2013.

From England we went to Germany and ministered at ‘The International Believers Convention’ hosted by House Of Solutions.  We had a really powerful time.  God moved mightily.  There was a great move of the Holy Ghost.  Great church, great people, great pastors, great food,…  We will be going back Easter 2013!

After our long drive from Germany to Belgium, that evening we spoke at a healing service in Waregem, Belgium; the city where Ilke grew up.  So many sick and old people came to the meeting.  We prayed for all of them personally.  It was a sweet time.  The next day, Sunday, we spoke at Roepstem Church in Roeselare.  We love to encourage pastors and churches in Belgium.

After enjoying being home in Dallas for a few days, we were also blessed to minister at our home church ‘Church in the City’, where we had 2 powerful services.  From Dallas we flew to New York City, where we preached in a suburb of New York City, in Norwalk, CT.  Ilke had a powerful women’s conference.  So many ladies testified being changed and transformed by the power of God.  Sunday morning and Sunday evening we had powerful miracle services and many were touched by the power of God.  We are excited to return to New York next year.

Thank you for your partnership with us.  We can’t do what we do without your financial and prayer support.   You have helped us preach the gospel in over 108 nations!

This year was an amazing year and it went so fast, we can’t believe it’s already December. 

The next 10 days we will be home, we have to do some board-meetings, and I have been summoned to jury duty.  This will be my first time.  I already tried to get excused from it 4 times because of our intense travel schedule but, but they would only schedule me for future jury duty. I made arrangements to perform my jury duty when we would be in Dallas in December.

Love and blessings,

Guy & Ilke

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