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News Update: Mission Japan – England – Belgium – The Netherlands – USA - February 2015

Dear Friends

The last 2.5 months have been very busy.  We ministered in Japan, Fort Worth, Connecticut, New York, England, Belgium, The Netherlands, Colorado and in several cities in California.

We have seen so many miracles take place. We serve an amazing BIG God.

I want to encourage your faith with the excerpt below from my book: Keys to Receiving Your Miracles.

How Big is Your God?

What would have happened had Moses tried to figure out what was needed to accomplish God’s command? One of the biggest arithmetical miracles in the world was required in the desert.

Moses led the people of Israel into the desert. Now what was he going to do with them? They had to be fed, and feeding 3-1/2 million people required a lot of food. According to the U.S. Army’s Quartermaster General, Moses needed 1500 tons of food a day - filling two freight trains, each a mile long.

Besides, you must remember they were cooking the food. Just for cooking, this took 4000 tons of firewood (a few more freight trains - each a mile long), and this is only for cooking for one day –not to mention for keeping warm. If any one tells you it doesn’t get cold in the desert... don’t believe them!

Let’s not forget about water, shall we? If they only had enough to drink and wash a few dishes (no bathing?!), it took 11,000,000 gallons EACH DAY - enough to fill a train of tanker cars 1800 miles long.

The people of Israel were forty YEARS in transit!!

Think about this: every time they camped at the end of the day, a campground the size of Rhode Island was required... or 750 square miles.

And another thing! They had to get across the Red Sea in one night. Now if they went on a narrow path, double file, the line would be 800 miles long and require 35 days and nights to complete the crossing. To get it over in one night there had to be a space in the Red Sea 3 miles wide so that they could walk 5,000 abreast.

Do you think that Moses sat down and figured out the logistics of what God told him to do before he set out from Egypt? I doubt it. He had faith that God would take care of everything. Let us have courage. We share the very same God.

Mission Japan

In December I was blessed with the opportunity to minister in Japan.  I was able to speak at Keio University at a Christmas event.  It was good to meet so of the students and faculty of the University. I was encouraged to see how Christians in Japan are reaching out to students at a secular university.

I also preached in 3 different churches. There was a great hunger and a mighty move of God with testimonies of healings.  Japan needs a lot of prayer and an awakening. God loves Japan and we love this nation and we are praying and believing God for revival.

Mission USA

We also ministered in the USA in December.  

We had a great time at Word Alive Bible Church with our good friends Pastors Artie and Janice.  Ilke spoke at a powerful ladies meeting and did an ordination at the requests of the pastors.  On Saturday night and Sunday we had 2 healing services.  God did amazing things and touched many.

One of the highlight testimonies was. A grandma that suffered from macular degeneration that was blind was brought by her kids and grandkids to the service.  They escorted her to the altar to receive prayer.  When Ilke laid her hands on her, she instantly received her sight.  She was surprised to see Ilke’s blonde hair and blue eyes.  She was shouting: “You have blue eyes.  I can see!’  What a mighty God we serve.

Click on the link below to see the testimony of her daughter and grandson.

Blind eye healed in Connecticut.


Click here to view more testimonies of miracles in Connecticut.

Signs, Wonders and Miracles in Connecticut


We also had a powerful time in Queens, New York.  It was our first time to minister in New York though we have traveled through New York many times.  We were blessed to be with Pastor Joe. Pastor Joe and his dad have been preaching the Gospel in the New York area for many years.  They have a great vision and we were blessed to be part of what God is doing in New York City.  The meetings were powerful with an amazing demonstration of God’s power.  Many were touched and healed.

There was a woman that became blind in the left eye because of a stroke.  The Lord healed her instantly after prayer.

You can click below to see her testimony:

Blind eye healed in New York


At the end of November we also ministered in Fort Worth.  We always have an awesome time with Pastors Perfeto and Lisa.  We taught on how ‘You Can Pray For The Sick’ and turned around and released people to pray for the sick. God did many miracles as other people prayed for signs and wonders.

Click here to view more testimonies of miracles in Fort Worth, Texas.

Signs, Wonders and Miracles in Fort Worth, Texas


We ministered for over 1 month in Europe during the Christmas and New Year season.

Mission England

We had a powerful conference in Derby, England.  We were so pleasantly surprised to see so many people attend the meetings.  There was such a hunger in the meetings.  People from different churches came together.  We trained leaders and did miracle services.  Many were healed and touched.  It was such an awesome time.  We will be going back in July.

There was a 9 year old that was instantly healed from an eye condition.

You can watch the 9 year olds testimony by clicking on the link below.

9 year olds eyes healed in Derby, England


There was also a lady with a lump in her breast that was healed instantly after a word of knowledge.  The lump disappeared.

You can watch her testimony by clicking on the link below.

Lump in breast disappeared in Derby, England.


Mission Belgium

During the Christmas and New Year’s period we ministered in Belgium.  We preached at 4 different churches in Torhout, Kortrijk, Vilvoorde and Izegem.  I was so blessed to have my wife Ilke translate me in all the services. It makes it much easier.  Teamwork makes the dream work.

At Jezus Levend Water, I taught on healing in 2 Friday evening services.  In the second Friday service many sick were brought.

Jesus healed a grandma that was deaf for 10 years.  While I was preaching her ears popped open.

You can watch her testimony by clicking on the link below.

Deaf ears healed in Kortrijk, Belgium.


We also organized a roundtable talk for senior pastors.  We love the pastors in Belgium and we are glad to be co-workers in the harvest. We are believing God for His will to be done in Belgium and for unity in the Body of Christ.

We thank God for what God is doing in Belgium.  Belgium for Jesus! Jesus for Belgium!

Mission The Netherlands

We were so blessed to be invited by Nehemiah Ministries, a dynamic and influential church in the Kingdom of God in the Netherlands.  We trained pastors and leaders in the supernatural.  It was a great time in the Lord - a great time of teaching and activation.  We thank God for our friend Pastor Bert and for all he is doing. He’s a great leader in the Body of Christ.

We are now on a 2.5 months tour in the USA. It has been an amazing time.  We will give you a report of what God is doing later.

Thanks to all our partners who make it possible to preach the Gospel of Power in the nations of the earth. 

Special thanks to all our intercessors and people who pray for us on a regular basis.  We greatly appreciate you.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we have a big Kingdom Agenda for 2015.

Continue to reach forward in Him!

Love and blessings,

Guy & Ilke

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