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News Update Europe: Germany, Latvia, Belgium, England, The Netherlands and Italy - May 2016

Dear Friends:

Greetings from Hong Kong, we just arrived here and are looking forward to an amazing move of God.

The last 10 weeks in Europe have been amazing as we preached the uncompromising gospel in 17 cities in Germany, Belgium, Latvia, The Netherlands, England, and Italy. We started our ministry tour in Europe on March 22nd.

We arrived in Belgium one day after the terrorist attack. We were not able to fly into Brussels because of the terrorist attack at the airport in Brussels. Around 30 people were killed. We flew to London, then to Amsterdam the next morning and drove from Amsterdam to Belgium.

The European continent has been the target of terrorist attacks that got the attention of many people in Europe and around the world. Some people are seized with fear in Europe, this opened many doors to preach the Gospel and to have conversations about faith in God. In the days following the attack in Brussels many outreaches were organized in the city of Brussels and many came to Christ.

The word that came to my heart as we traveled in Europe was:

‘Pray about everything and fear nothing. Don’t back down when you feel fear. Trust the Lord and keep moving.’ Sometimes we become afraid by focusing on our circumstances. The more we focus on the problem, the more fearful we become. Instead, we can choose to keep our focus on God. He is able to handle anything that we may ever have to face in this life. God has promised to strengthen us, to harden us to difficulties, to hold us up and retain us with His victorious right hand (Isaiah 41:10). He also commands us not to be afraid. But remember, He is not commanding us never to feel fear, but rather not to let it control us. The Lord is saying to us today, “Fear not, I will help you.” But we never experience the help of God until we place everything on the line, until we are obedient enough to step out in faith. Remember Pray about everything and fear nothing. Don’t back down when you feel fear. Trust the Lord and keep moving.


We love Belgium - Ilke’s native country. We have a passion and commitment to reach Belgium for Jesus and have been working there extensively for the last 10 years. The last few years we have also facilitated the building of bridges between churches and pastors using the platform of round table talks, fellowship dinners and pastor prayer meetings. 

We organized a 3-day conference in collaboration with different churches from the West-Flanders area.  It was the 6th edition. On Sunday morning all churches closed their church and we had a big celebration service on Sunday. The conference provided training for pastors and leaders, youth service, and general sessions open to the public. The theme of the conference was  ‘Arise and Shine’. I taught on the subjects of Arise, the Glory of God, Shine, Wisdom for the Journey, The Spirit of Excellence, Fly High and Last Long. The conference was a great success. We received lots of feedback from different people including pastors and leaders saying that this year was the best conference from all the previous years. It was also a great blessing to work with my wife as translator. ‘Teamwork makes the dream work’.  

During our time in Belgium we were also blessed to minister at Jesus Levend Water. We had two great services where Ilke got to preach once and was translated by her mum.

We also had a pastors meeting with pastors from another province in Belgium called Vlaams-Brabant, it was a great time of fellowship and encouragement and empowerment. I taught on reasons why some leaders quit in ministry and 7 types of women every minister should watch out for. We are excited to built new relationships and look forward to being a blessing to people in that region of Belgium.

While in Belgium we continued to work on the renovations of our ministry base in Kortrijk. We hope to get all the funds (50,000 euro, about $60,000 dollars) and complete the renovations by the end of the year. Thanks for your prayers and support.


On Resurrection weekend we were blessed to speak in Germany. There was a great demonstration of the power of God and the spirit was moving powerfully with strong operations of the gifts of the Spirit as we celebrated the Resurrection of Christ. Many were touched by the power of God.


We were blessed to be back in Latvia again. We ministered at a conference for singles organized by the largest church in the Baltics. The topics of the conference were: How to be single and happy? Becoming the right person. The 7 gifts God gave to Adam. We also did a general session open to the public on Mantles and Assignments. On Sunday we had two services, one was a seminar about how to become financially independent. We love pastor Vilnis and his family and thank God for our friendship over the years. We were also presented a certificate of honor for our spiritual contribution to the nation of Latvia over the years.

The Netherlands

  • Levende Steen Ministries

We ministered twice in the Netherlands. We enjoyed our time at Levende Steen Ministries, the largest charismatic church in the Netherlands pastored by Apostle Edgar Holder. It was a powerful time of ministry with many getting touched and healed. There was a great move of the Holy Spirit. Many people said that the meetings were electric. Many were healed and touched.

Miracles in The Netherlands:

  • ·      Lump in Breast disappeared

A lady that was watching the first service on the Internet on live stream had a lump in her breast, while watching the live stream the lump disappeared. She drove to church to give her testimony in the second service.

Click here to watch the testimony of a lump that disappeared


  • ·      Miracle of hair growth and healing of psoriasis

There was a lady that had psoriasis on the back of her head and lost all her hair on the back of her head because of the psoriasis. She testified that while I was praying for the sick she felt a burning sensation on the back of her head, when she touched the back of her hair all the psoriasis was gone and her hair grew back instantly miraculously by more than an inch. Glory!

Click here to watch the powerful testimony of the miracle of hair growth and healing of psoriasis


Click here to watch the testimony of healing off a sciatic nerve


  • Nehemia Ministries

We also ministered at Nehemiah ministries in the Netherlands on Pentecost Sunday. The Holy Spirit moved powerfully. Many were filled with the Holy Spirit.


  • ·      Severe heart condition healed

One of the elders of Nehemiah Ministries sent us the following testimony 1 week after the conference:

You had a word of knowledge for a heart condition. This morning a lady testified that she had a severe heart condition and was on heavy medication for it. Last Friday she went to the hospital for a check up. The doctor said: She has a new heart and that she can stop taking the medication. She also said that she could feel the difference in her body. Thank you Jesus!


We had a great weekend of ministry in England in London, Wembley and Wimbledon. Ilke ministered powerfully at the Inspire Conference at Destiny Christian Centre in London. Ilke preached, sat on a panel, answered questions and prayed for hours for people. It was very powerful.

I ministered in 3 churches in London, Wembley and Wimbledon. The Lord moved mightily and many were blessed.


We finished our ministry tour in Italy. We ministered in Verona and Vigevano. In Verona we ministered at the Divine Encounter conference where we had 8 meetings in 4 days. The Spirit of God moved powerfully throughout the conference. Many were healed, delivered, saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. The host pastors said it was the best conference and best attendance they ever had in the history of their ministry.  This was our second ministry trip in this city. We heard awesome testimonies both from last year and this year. Here are some of them.

Power surge! Miracle moments in Italy

  • ·      Healed and delivered from mental illness

The power of God is real and it transcends geographical locations. A lady who attended our meetings in Verona Italy said that her brother was a drug addict, mentally ill and slept naked in the forest. There was no hope as they tried everything to get him some help, taking him to hospitals but it did not work. When she heard my message on ‘Power Surge’ Thursday night, her faith was stirred up to believe for his deliverance and healing. During prayer she stood in proxy for her brother who was thousands of miles away in Nigeria. Around 11:58 pm that same night she got a phone call from Nigeria, they told her that her brother came back home to spend the night completely in the right state of mind, healed and delivered from mental illness. The power really surged that night. Glory!

  • ·      Lump in breast disappeared

A lady who attended the conference in Verona, Italy said that last year she was diagnosed with a lump in her breast. Last year we prayed for her. She went back to the doctors. They ran tests three times since last year. The doctors were surprised and said that they had an echo where they could see the lump and that the lump had miraculously disappeared.

  • ·      Blind eyes opened

A lady whose father was blind because of cataract stood in proxy for her father during the conference last year one evening when I was praying for the sick. Both of her father’s eyes were instantly healed even though he was thousands of miles away in Nigeria. She told us that one-year later he is still completely healed.

  • ·      Healed from pain and sleeping disorder

A lady who had pain all over her body and could only get a few hours of sleep at night said she received her complete healing and was able to sleep well after I received a word of knowledge, prophesied and prayed over her. The night after the service she slept until 7 am - she had not been able to sleep well for months.

  • ·      Healed from a severe pain

A man had a severe pain in the middle of the abdomen for years and could not get relief even after surgery and multiple visits to different hospitals in Europe; the doctors could not find what was wrong with him. Because of this pain he was unable to do any physical activity for years. He was miraculously healed last year and still has his healing.

From Verona we traveled to Vigevano where we had a great conference called ‘Holy Spirit Overdose’. We ministered in 7 meetings in 2 days. I taught on the following subjects: the supernatural, the believers authority, winning at work, power surge, kingdom leadership, Ilke also had a special ladies event.  The conference was hosted and organized by 2 churches; many pastors and leaders came from different cities to attend the conference. It was a great time of equipping and demonstration. Many were saved, healed and filled with the Holy Spirit. The host pastors said that they received lots of positive feedback from all the pastors who attended the conference. Next year they want to join the organization of the conference. We are looking forward to our return to this city next year.

We want to thank God and we give him all the glory for what He did in Europe the last 10 weeks. We want to thank our partners for their support and our intercessors for their prayers. We could not have done it without you.

We just arrived in Hong Kong and are looking forward to what God is going to do. Keep us in your prayers.

Love and blessings,

Guy & Ilke

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