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Diabetes and Asthma healed in North Carolina

Diabetes Healed
Dear Guy, My prayer before I entered the Sunday morning service with you was "If you heal me Oh Lord, I Shall Be Healed." Thank you Guy, for allowing God to use you so that I could receive my FULL Healing from Diabetes on Sunday April 18, 2004 at Raleigh Internation Church (RIC). Thank you Lord. I'm HEALED!
Deborah M. Jones, Wendell, USA

Asthma Healed
Dear Guy Peh, I am using my grandmothers e-mail adress because since i am a minor i cannot have my own. Her name is Carmen Lydia Salgado, if there is any difficulties. I have written this letter as a letter of thanks as of April 18, 2004 I have been healed of all asthma symptoms, body pains, and especially all my ANGER!!! I would also like to thank you for visiting RIC(Raleigh International Church) and for being such an impact on the whole church family. YOU have healed many. GOD has chosen YOU to heal the sick, YOU to give the blind sight, and YOU to preach and spread the word of GOD. As a growing man of CHRIST you have definetly impacted me so that GOD can use ME to heal the sick, ME to give the blind sight, and ME to let every person on earth to acknowledge that you are the one true GOD. I will follow my Biblical Instruction Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE). Let GOD send many blessings,
Xavier Del Rosario (age 11), Raleigh, NC

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