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Healed of HIV/Aids in the USA

Tampa, Florida, USA

I am a born again Christian that only through meeting Guy Peh I have begun to turn my life around. In March of 2004 I was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and had told no one, especially my family, about my diagnosis. I had met Guy briefly in 2003 and we really never got the chance to talk, plus I had no idea what a powerful man of God he is. We exchanged phone numbers but I thought that I would never see or hear from him again.

About one month after my diagnosis I fell to the floor and prayed to God asking why me and what did God want me to do with my life after this devastating blow that I had been holding onto with nowhere to turn. It was about 11:00 pm and I felt an overwhelming need to call this man that I barely new and confess everything that I had been hiding. Guy answered his phone and knew exactly who I was and let me cry and confess all of my sins and for the first time to tell someone about my illness. He prayed with me and gave me lists upon lists of scriptures to read so that I could become closer to God and learn the bible and what all of the scriptures meant. We spoke weekly and he always had more scriptures for me to read and learn and we prayed weekly together and apart for each other. Since then I have kept in constant contact with him and we have become close friends. No matter what country or state he is in he always takes my calls and even calls me from wherever he is.

This September of 2004 I finally reached the point of understanding the Lord and the Miracles that he can bestow upon people and how the Lord uses Men of God such as Guy and asked him to pray with me for my own miracle. Guy and I spoke on the phone and prayed together and let him speak the Lords Miracles into my life. I have recently been tested again for HIV/AIDS and my test came back NEGATIVE! I owe my life to the Lord and thank him constantly throughout everyday for this miracle and the fact that he has brought Guy into my life! I now know how I should live my life according to God and everyday it's a struggle but it gets easier and easier now that I am LIVING PROOF OF GODS MIRACLES!

I am a singer and always wanted to be a famous Pop/R&B singer and now I know that I want to find a church and use my voice to praise God and find a fellowship that is a home and I would love to use my talent in this way. I praise the Lord everyday and thank him for showing me who my true friends are and sadly enough, there aren't that many in my life. But no matter what I know that the Lord brought Guy to me for I was a lost soul but now I'm found and I try to live everyday to the fullest expectations of what the Lord wants me to do. This is my story and I pray that it can help someone else to realize we don't have to live in fear of the worlds problems as long as we know our Lord and Savior.

Praise Jesus!


Reader Comments (3)

Thank you for sharing with us your experience in the Lord. I am really encouraged by your testimony and i believe that he is willing to do the same for me and my wife (Grace), since Hebrews 3:8-tells us that Jesus christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Remain Blessed.

August 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBoniface

i have 2 problems first my eczema is not curing secondly i want a perfect life partner as i m a divorcee as soon as possible and i want a gov job for survival

February 27, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteri

i have 2 problems first my eczema is not curing secondly i want a perfect life partner as i m a divorcee as soon as possible and i want a gov job for survival

February 27, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteriklk

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